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My stadium script to reserve and manage stadiums

My stadium script to reserve and manage stadiums
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My stadium script for reserving and managing stadiums from

the professional Serv5 company:

My stadium script for reserving and managing stadiums is a special script for managing stadiums and it consists of a site where it is available:

1- The home page contains at the top of a distinguished news tape that can be controlled from the control panel, and the header contains several

pages, and they are the page for all stadiums, the contact us page that contains the form for direct sending to the administration, the blog page for the

site, the privacy policy, and a page Add a topic with your name and a search field.

2- A special Slide Show appears on the site to display the latest special offers for the most evaluated stadiums and stadiums.

3- The last 4 recently added stadiums appear on the page, with their locations on the map, the address in detail, the hourly rate, and it also shows you the latest

new news on the site.

4- A map appears in the footer that shows all the stadiums on the site on the map, and any stadium that is added to the site is

added to the map to facilitate customer access to the stadiums near them.

5- The customer logs in or registers if he already has an account through the link at the top left of the page.

6- When registering on the site for the first time, registration is done either as the owner of a stadium, that is, he can add a stadium with its advantages and all its information

from reservation times, reserved times and times that have not been booked.

7- Registering as a tenant, and his job is to search the stadiums, find the appropriate stadium, then reserve it, and during the reservation he appears to him the

times in which he can book and puts the contact information and is contacted with him.

8- The stadium data in my stadium script for reserving and managing the stadiums:

It contains the stadium’s address and location in detail, the map, the hourly rate of the stadium, and the evaluation of the stadium appears and depends on the evaluation of the

customers , the owner of the stadium, the stadium’s phone number and some information if it has game tournaments or not the advantages if it is covered or not

etc. ,,,,, and from data The stadiums also has a schedule of reservations and it contains all reservations during a specific period and at their specified times, and when

the customer chooses the date he wants to book on and the hour and presses the appointment reservation button, the appointment request form appears for him, which contains a

simple summary of the reservation and choosing if you are a customer A new or an existing customer and a special box for the name and the customer’s mobile number, press

the reservation button, and the reservation request remains pending until the owner of the stadium approves or rejects it. If it is rejected, the appointment will be returned as empty as it was, and if

approved, the appointment will be closed.

9- The owner of the site can add articles on the blog, as well as the visitor and the stadium owners can also add his own articles, which are

reviewed by the administration and approved to appear in the site’s blog.

10- Comments system on stadiums and topics on the site, and the comments do not appear until after approval by the administration.

Explanation of my stadium script for reserving and managing stadiums, and the control panel is divided into:

First, the admin panel:

1- The admin or admin panel contains the addition of all the articles on the site and approval of all the articles added

by the site owner.

2- Control all the information on the main interface of the site and control the colors and everything that customers see.

3- Approving the addition of new stadiums. He can also amend and remove them and know all the details of each stadium.

4- Knowing all stadium dates and suspended and reserved dates, as well as agreeing to add clients as site owners.

5 – It is not possible to register on the playground unless the admin approves the registration of the member first, and then approves the playground and gives him a code number for the schedule for the stadium.

6 – You can look at the e-mails that have registered for the newsletter.

7 – You can look at the messages that came from the form of communication with us.

8- Adding an endless number of pages in Arabic and English.

9- Members page, through which you can see all the members on the site.

Secondly, the tenant plate in my stadium script to reserve and manage the stadiums:

1- Log in as a tenant in this case, you will be transferred to your board and through it your reservation is completed as

you will not be able to book until you register on the site and the playground appears on the site and all the previous details of the site and

thus you are a member of the site. You can book in Any stadium at the available times.

Third, the stadium owner’s plate:

1- When registering as a stadium owner, the matter differs slightly, as you are transferred to another board that differs from the tenant and has the following in it. You can

add new news and articles and comment until the admin or the manager approves them.

2- You can add your stadium and add all the previous details through the board, such as the map, price, and so on.

3- After the administrator approves the stadium, your schedule of appointments will be sent, and you can control it after that through the board, where you can

know the appointments and agree to them or not, and the contact information of the barrier.

Get now on a script to book and stadiums management pitches from your Cerf Five company professional in business website design

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