Designing a distinguished tourist site

Designing a distinguished tourist site

If you have a tourism company, then you definitely need a website to develop your business and upgrade At the level of your company, you need a professionally designed website that dazzles the visitor upon entering and reflects the professionalism of this Company, make your site market to you

The advantages of designing a tourist site from Serv5

Serv5 has a bunch of the best programmers and designers, so you can request a tourist website design without hesitation.

Currency change

Currency change

The possibility of multiple currencies within the tourist site, and calculating currencies with changing prices daily and obtaining a student result immediately, a system dedicated to facilitating the calculation operations and providing convenience for your customers

Add many trips

Add many trips

Your tourist site is available in which the possibility of adding or deleting a trip and adding many countries belonging to the trips available through the control panel dedicated to your site and with ease and you can amend it whenever you want

Online reservation system

Online reservation system

A distinctive system is determined for booking hotels, rooms and chalets online, as well as flights and airline offers with a dedicated reservation form for each section, including all its requirements to make it easier for the user to deal and provide comfort

Statistics system

Statistics system

The existence of an integrated statistics system to know the number of visits periodically, and statistics for the newest and most recent trips, in addition to the latest programs for vacations and holidays to facilitate dealing and the credibility of the site

Temperatures and weather

Temperatures and weather

The presence of distinctive properties to show the temperatures in different countries and the weather of certain cities or countries that are determined from the list of options, to expand in all countries and increase the users of your tourist website

The first ranks in the search engines

The first ranks in the search engines

Sites topping the first results in search engines in the least possible time through, experts in Google updates and archiving, contact us through the contact us pages within the site

Evaluation system

Evaluation system

The evaluation system for trips or for services in general, which gives the tourism company credibility in front of all its customers and provides a service different from the rest of the competing tourism companies, which makes your site distinctive

Google map

Google map

Create a map for the tourist site in two forms, one for visitors in order to facilitate their browsing process, and the other form for search engines so that it is quickly archived and a distinctive correspondence form within the site

Tourist site design request

Request for quotation form